Saturday, March 1, 2008

Some details of my life....

We’re finally falling into routine! In order to avoid being redundant, here are some general things that apply to every day:

-We have school Monday – Friday, 8-12. During this time, since I’m taking an oral class, we talk about various things… a lot. We have 7 presentations total. So far we've had a Biblical Reflecations presentation (3 minutes), a Critical Commentary presentation (6 minutes), Film Review (15 minutes), Informative presentatin (10 minutes), and a Debate (45 minutes). We will be finishing up next week with a Poem Presentation, and a 20 minute Persuasive Presentation.

-I always eat Corn Flakes and fruit for breakfast, except on Sundays.

-The food for lunch and dinner generally is good – every once and I while I wind up with a plate full of veggies (okay in small portions, but not in plate fulls…) when there’s nothing else I can eat for dinner. I always have corn tortillas with lunch and dinner, except on Sunday. The reason why Sundays are different is because our homes don’t provide food for us. Instead we have a stipend from Students International for breakfast and lunch, and then eat together as a group for dinner.

-I am no longer ALWAYS hungry, because I have a stash of food in our room. I’ve discovered some pretty good gluten-free cookie/biscuit things. I also have some nummy other snacks hidden away from the bugs.

-On Tuesdays we have worship and Bible study, and on Thursdays we have our cross-cultural class CAMINOS.

-We always have a lot of homework, so if I don’t mention anything exciting, that’s because we didn’t do anything exciting due to mass amounts of homework…

-We generally have daily internet access, either at school or at the Students International office.

-I have a cell phone, which I use quite frequently to call back home… it’s relatively cheap!

-I’m getting incredibly dark (for me)! It’s basically sunny and mid 70’s, and with our 8 block walk to school and an amazing roof there’s plenty of opportunity to soak it in!

-We’re pretty much tired all the time. We’re not crashing as early as we were in Magdalena , due to the homework load. It’s a bummer, but we’ve discovered power naps are generally quite effective. We usual take advantage of this right before lunch and during breaks from homework.

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